Friday, September 26, 2008


here are two things that are making me laugh a lot right now.

they are both completely real. and horrifying.


Tommy said...

AMAZING!!! Napoleon Dynamite has nothing on the guy in the first video.

Do you know how I can contact Sonseed? I would love to book them for a concert at my church.

Lindsey said...

i didn't click on the links as...they aren't links. make them hyperlinks through the little option when you are writing the blog.
but, based on tommy's comment, i'm assuming it's Sonseed and "renewed mind is the key" i right?
if so, it's hilarious how these vidoes have circled among all the "church" people i eva knew.

it's more of a shame, though, than hilarious.

Lindsey said...

it's a shame that these videos exist...and that these people were for real.

not that we are passing them along. :)

Alan said...

I'm glad your mind was as blown away as mine about the power of Sonseed!