Wednesday, October 22, 2008


one of the coolest things that God has been teaching me over the past week or so has been through the verse Habakuk 1:5, which says, "look at the nations and watch, for I [God] am going to do something in your day that you would not believe even if you were told." that takes my breath away. gets me really excited. and scares me to death.

our axis leadership team has committed to focusing on this verse everyday, and it's really messing me up (in a really beautiful way). this verse has just thrown me into thinking about the message of Christ throughout history. there have been some pretty incredible advances. from a group of just a few disciples to literally millions. wow.

so, here's where this gets tough: i was leading worship a couple of weeks ago for our high schoolers and we were doing the song "God of this city." there's a part of this song that says, "greater things have yet to come. greater things are still to be done in this city." as i was leading, these words just almost brought me to tears, because i wasn't sure if i really believed it. and that scared me...

today, as i was driving to work and praying through habakuk 1:5, God linked these to concepts in my mind. i was trying to understand where i fit in all of this. i had so many questions. does this verse really apply to me as an individual? does God really have greater things planned for me? these are things that i believe in my head, but sometimes i lack the understanding in my heart. but God spoke so clearly to me in that moment.

i was listening to a song on my ipod and as it came to the end, the band ended with a huge crescendo, and right there in my car on randall road, God said, "live a crescendo. push into me more and more, and you really will see greater things. you will see things that you wouldn't believe even if I told you." i couldn't speak. it was one of the most significant moments i've ever had in my entire life...

let's live a crescendo. does this resonate with anyone else?


Ron said...

Ahhh. A "defining moment!" Revel in it. Memorize it. Live with it on the tip of your tongue. And if it gets dark someday ... lean on it! It is a gift!

And yes, it resonates loudly...

Anonymous said...

You should write a song called, "Crescendo." I get half credit for it now though.

Anonymous said...

great writing! i'm just a random reader (linked by lindsey hair) but anyway, i love this picture...such a good, true, solid illustration of how life pressing into Christ should look. and please do write the aforementioned song...i would love to be able to sing that idea too. -E

Tommy said...

Beautiful moment Kellen. Thanks for sharing.