Wednesday, January 21, 2009

new year's resolutions

so, this may be a little late, but here are the resolutions that i have landed on for 2009:

i want to read the bible all the way through this year. i think that i have probably read the entire thing. however, i have never used a method that ensures that i catch every word. i'm really excited about this one!

i want to make a great effort to observe a sabbath day each week. with my work schedules right now, this is no easy task, but it is already proving worthwhile!

i want to have 12 original songs that are ready for recording by the end of 2009. *this is going to be the hardest one, because i'm ridiculously critical of my own writing/music. so, it is really hard for me to get to the place where i'm ready for my art to be heard by others...

so, there they are. now, they're official. ha.

anyone else have any interesting resolutions that you're working towards or have already failed at???


Anonymous said...

can't wait to hear those original tunes!

Ron said...

I resolve to change churches.

Check with me in a week.

Tyler Lyle said...

this year I'm shooting for no resolutions. I'm going to break the goal setting streak and learn to live with myself, bastard double-minded man that I am.
I think I'll move to Chicago in May/June. Just cause.

kellen owenby said...

t lyle, i love you. hurry up and come to chi.