Monday, September 22, 2008

7 day experiment

i love to write. songs. poetry. short non-fiction. possibly even micro-fiction. however, i have a really hard time actually taking the time to sit down and do it. the thing is that i really do find out a little bit more about myself every time i take out the pen (or the keyboard as the case may be). i need to write more...

my friend, lauren, and i had a discussion recently that revealed so much to me about my blogophobia (yes, i just made up that word). lauren said that she has a really hard time writing in her moleskine, because every time she wants to, she then talks herself out of it, because she feels that her thoughts are not profound enough to be preserved. i have a similar problem.

i have a hard time blogging. there's so much pressure. *this better be good. if this isn't the most profound thought ever, then people will think my blog is lame. so, in order to get past this, i am committing to blog everyday for the next week. i am not claiming that there will be something extremely profound everyday. but there will be something everyday!

wish me luck.

i dare each of you to do the same.


Ron said...

I've been blogging since 2002. I have discovered that I don't blog for the reader. I blog for the writer. Me. There is something absolutely therapeutic about hitting the "publish" button. If you worry about the reader you'll never write anything worthwhile. Write your heart. Those who love your heart will read. Those who don't love (or share) your heart, well, you don't need them reading anyway. They don't matter. Not to be rude. It's just that if the don't "get you" then you'll never hold on to them as readers anyway. And really, who cares? It's not like anybody is ever going to pay us for this stuff. So relax. Enjoy.

And as a side note, be smart and copy/paste your blogs into a word document and save them for yourself. someday they will be priceless to you.

Abilene Student Ministry said...

blog on, my friend, blog on. Don't think it has to be profound all the time. It's good to make people think but a good blog also let's people see who you are. It gives them a little window into your life and thoughts. Sometimes it's not profound but just funny.

check mine out sometime Sometimes it's my thoughts and sometimes it's pondering over Scripture or conversations I've had with people.

Wish you well.

Lindsey said...

i've totally thought the same thing. i've even considered blogging about you did. :) blog rolls, blog feeds...hits...bla bla. it's an industry somewhat...and definitely has potential to be confusing. i've wondered, "why AM i writing?" i think i agree with ron- more for myself. but i do love others reading my stuff- only to know me better, and to be able to relate to me. i value that. :)

keep doing it. you are profound and complex as a person, and so your writing will automatically be.

Anonymous said...

if you blog for yourself...then who do you leave comments for?