Wednesday, September 17, 2008

the (definitive) movie list

here's what i've come up with:

1. braveheart (every man dies, but not every man truly lives)
2. saving private ryan (my favorite war movie. tom hanks is incredible.)
3. dumb and dumber (the movie that birthed a passion for quoting movies in my life. ha)
4. anchorman (the best will ferrell movie ever. filled with one-liners that still make me double over laughing)
5. fight club (life-changing. well written. well produced. ed norton, you are the man.)
6. orange county (the most underrated of all jack black movies. ridiculously funny.)
7. once (this is a new one for me, but it is probably one of the most significant films that i've ever seen. amazing.)
8. the patriot (an incredible story of character and honor in the most trying times. love it.)
9. the matrix (this changed every perception i had about film when it came out. set the bar high for special effects in films.)
10. napoleon dynamite (i saw this movie 5 times in the theatre. it was totally different than any film i had ever seen. tina, you fat lard, come get your dinner.)

what do you guys think?


Ron said...

I so worry about your generation.

Anonymous said...

I must confess, I've never seen Orange County all the way through, maybe we should watch it sometime. Also, not the biggest Patriot fan...but everything else I love!

Anonymous said...

Great post!
I loved all those movies...
my list is to come!
Stay Tuned!

Alan said...

I'm disappointed you didn't put wedding crashers on there...
P.S. I have the soundtrack to once and its amazing...

Tommy said...

If you haven't seen these yet, check out "Into the Wild," which explores the need for community and the connection between forgiveness and God's love. and "August Rush," which illustrates faith, hope, and love through the three main characters. There's no way I could condense my list into a top ten, but these are a couple I've seen recently that touched me and made me think.

Lindsey said...

love orange county.

Eli said...

I think nap dynamite is #1 by far.