Tuesday, September 23, 2008

what a day!

so, it is 11:37pm, and this is the first time i've been able to get online all day! sometimes, you plan out your days, and the day comes and goes exactly as you expected. other times that does not happen. this was one of those days.

i woke up at 9:26. 9:26 you may say is a perfect time to wake up. and i may agree with you on many other days. however, 9:26 is a completely inappropriate time to wake up when you have an 8 o'clock meeting and have to be at work at 9:30 (especially since work is 20 minutes away). thus, my day started quite inappropriately. ugh. i thought to myself, "self, i know i set my alarm." and i must add that i was quite right with this assertion. however, what i (in all my wisdom) forgot to do was set my alarm for 7am instead of 7pm. apparently, there are to 7 o'clocks each day. i chose the wrong one...

this put me in quite the funk all day. i was so mad at myself for being irresponsible. i hadn't done that in years. ugh. but then, i realized that i was simply the only person that really cared about what had happened. my boss was very cool about it. no big deal. the meeting went on without me. done. however, i let it affect me most of the day. kind of sad when you think about it.

i wonder what kind of opportunities i missed today. conversations. kind words that i could offer. i got pretty convicted about that this afternoon as i was listening to the second part of the influence series (from last week at willow). bill was talking about being continually praying for the redemption of people that we know that are far from God and our tendency to stray from that mode of thinking. i missed it today. but i won't miss it tomorrow.

a shepherd lost 1 sheep. he left the 99 to go after the one.

*let there be an urgency in our hearts, our minds, and our mouths to give an explanation for the hope that we have.

1 comment:

Tommy said...

I did that just last week. I was pumped to go to an innovative church network conference and set my alarm for 8 PM, instead of 8 AM. I missed the first session of the conference and kicked myself all day (not literally). It happens to the best of us, or in my case the worst of us.

The thing is that, in such cases, I tend to dwell on the mistakes of the past and miss out on the joy of the moment.