Friday, August 15, 2008

back in GA

so, i'm back in the great state of GA this weekend to teach a couple of sessions at a student worship conference called the school of worship. i'm really excited to be a part of it! however, it does just feel weird to be back in the state. not bad. just weird. but it has definitely already been a really hilarious trip!

last night, i was eating at my favorite restaurant in the world (the border mexican restaurant in carrollton, ga), when possibly one of the funniest things i've ever seen happened... i was talking about my ridiculously bad luck with phones and how i always have to go get my phone replaced because they always mess up. at this point, i said, "yeah. this is my 4th phone since the end of december, but it's never anything i do. something always just happens (keep in mind: up until this point, every problem that i've had with a phone has been software issues or things of like nature). anyways, when i finished that sentence, it was as if the stars aligned and the phone gods frowned upon me. as soon as the word "happens" comes out of my mouth, andrew owensby (bff and drummer extraordinaire) drops my phone straight into his full glass of sweet tea!!!!! fully submerged. fully. never has such irony occurred in my life. *i must say at this point that if my phone is to be dropped in a beverage, i could not ask for a better one to receive it. the border's sweet tea is seriously probably my favorite sweet tea ever, even better than chickfila... 

anyways, it was funny that andrew dropped the phone, but the timing is really what did it. unbelievable. but thanks to a very quick rescue effort and much time with a hair dryer, the phone seems to have escaped unscathed.  

crisis averted. 


andrew owensby said...

yeah, im that good

Tommy said... I am craving a Border Special.