Sunday, August 31, 2008


so, it's been a while since my last blog. this is greatly because i'm not great at remembering to blog. ha. anyways, the last couple of weeks have been pretty interesting. a lot and nothing has happened, or at least that's how it feels. 

i got a job at the gap. that's exciting (kinda). it's not ideal, but hopefully it will get me closer to being able to survive on a month by month basis! fantastic. other than that, we've just been trying to get everything prepared for the season of ministry that is about to be upon us (program starts next weekend)! it is kind of the calm before the storm, i guess. 

and i'm having to work very hard to savor the calmness of it all. i like to be busy. i have a really hard time staying sane when i don't have a lot to do. however, in that, i think God is teaching me a lot about how sometimes we just need to enjoy sabbath and be recharged. it's not easy, but it is really important that in our walk with God that we enjoy and embrace rest when it comes. 

psalm 46:10 is hard to embrace, but i think that when we do actually embrace it, it will revolutionize our lives. so, if you're in a calm period right now, enjoy it, and take time to enjoy something that you don't normally have time to enjoy. 

1 comment:

Tommy said...

Hey bro! I'm enjoying reading about what's going on with you. However, I literally laughed out loud at the thought of you working at the Gap. Did I read that correctly? You're soooooo metro.