Wednesday, August 20, 2008

i'm back

so, yesterday i had probably one of the worst travel days in the history of mankind. however, the great thing is that it had nothing to do with a storm of any type, natural disaster, or catastrophe of any sort. it was all because my train ran late for no legitimate reason. 6 hours late. and i missed going to my very first cubs game with some of my favorite people in good ole chicagoland! however, the cubs did end up winning the game! *perhaps, i would have been bad luck for the cubs, and thus, God did not want me in attendance...

anyways, i think yesterday was overall one of the most inconvenient days that i have ever had. [i wanted to say "worst" instead of "inconvenient", but that would have probably been inaccurate. however, it sure didn't feel merely "inconvenient" yesterday.] the crazy/hard thing about it was that i did everything humanly possible to get to chicago (from atlanta) by game-time, and it just didn't happen. there was absolutely nothing i could do. and i think that is what really angered me about the whole situation. we are conditioned to feel like if we give 110%, then everything will work out. however, that's just not the way it is.

now, looking back on the situation, i see how much this looks like the life that i live so often.

i work work work as hard as i can, and then, i get angry when i don't get what i feel like i deserve. the cool thing is that God's timing is a lot better than ours. and He sees every situation from every different angle. so, i can rest easier knowing that even though i feel like my efforts should yield a certain result, God is working all things together for a much greater purpose and i should just be happy that He is letting me be a part of it!

basically, i don't understand why God didn't let me get where i wanted when i wanted, and that is ok. 

sometimes, i think we take bigger steps by giving up than by trying harder. sometimes, we need to just accept our finiteness [and even embrace it]. God is bigger than our plans, and for that, we should be grateful.  


Ron said...

So what you are saying is that you are not in control? Of anything? You can do your best and yet reality is truly out of your hands?

Sounds horribly biblical to me.

Sorry about the Cubs game. But if you are a Braves fan then you must repent in sack cloth and ashes before you can EVER step inside the gates of Baseball Heaven (aka: Wrigley Field.") You are a baseball heathen. A pagan and a fraud to The Greatest Game Ever Invented.

That and the fact that you rode a train all of the way from Georgia to Chicago makes me question your sanity...

kellen owenby said...

i flew to illinois and then had to ride a train from normal, il to chicago...bc all the flights into chicago were overbooked...

Harrison said...

hey man, saw ur blog, glad u got one, i'll stay updated. u probs never knew i had one too...
anyways, holla at me sometime!