Tuesday, October 7, 2008

hilarity in the bathroom

so, i really wanted to blog about this yesterday, but i ended up not having time. *the fact that i didn't have time to blog is kind of misleading. i actually had the day off, but i ended up throwing myself into a new book! i digress.

yesterday afternoon, i went to barnes and noble to do a little reading and to just enjoy the atmosphere. for some reason, i absolutely love the atmosphere of pretty much any coffee shop or book retailer...after reading for a bit, i started looking around the books (which turned out to be a two hour affair). i think i have a problem. ha. anyways, after about two hours of browsing, my bladder was ready to burst. so, i ventured towards the restroom. the plot thickens.

upon my arrival at the urinal, i observed that both stalls were occupied. i was notified of this by the subtle grunts of the inhabitants. anyways, as i was washing my hands after fulfilling my duties at the half-stall, a chubby 10 year old walks in with a look of determination and fear. i knew that look. so, i decided to wash my hands quite thoroughly in order to observe the events that were about to transpire!

the kid checked both stall doors with a little shake of the handle and received devastating results. locked. locked.

at this point, the look on the kid's face goes from fear to sheer terror. i knew what was coming... after backing away from the stalls and a brief moment of silence, the kid let out a cry for help, "excuse me sir, no offense but do you know how long you're going to be in there? because i really, really have to go!" -silence. awkward. (at this point i'm caught between wanting to run out before the kid exploded and wanting to see the titillating end to this frightening saga). again, "sir?!" finally a response, "i'll be just one second!"

i started to giggle as i heard rushed attempts to wrap up the festivities in the handicapped stall. incredible. i, then, had to rush out of the bathroom so i didn't just die laughing! i'll never be sure what happened next, but i'm positive that that had to be one of the most awkward moments ever experienced in that restroom!

some say it's skill. some chalk it up to luck. i'll just say i was in the right place at the right time...

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